
Showing posts from July, 2018

Leah Fischer: Making the World a Better Place

Leah Fischer is a self-employed paralegal who lives and works in Los Angeles, California. She holds a Paralegal Certificate from the University of California-East Bay, and she began her career in law soon after graduating from the University of Redlands in 2011. Often, Ms. Fischer spends her free time making the world a better place. From 2005 to 2007, for example, she was a weekly volunteer at Hop-A-Long who helped animals impacted by oil spills.

Leah Fischer: How to Start Volunteering

Leah Fischer is an active volunteer who lives and works in Los Angeles, California, as a legal secretary and independent contractor. She’s been volunteering for years and loves making a difference in the world every time she donates her time and efforts.  If you’d like to start volunteering alongside people like Leah Fischer, tips like these will help you get your foot in the door: ·          Find Places You Care About Volunteer with an organization whose mission you support. This will make your work more rewarding and exciting so your donated time enriches your life. Make a list of three or four potential organizations to try so you can find your favorite environment.  ·          Volunteer with Friends If you have friends who, like Leah Fischer, already volunteer, why not try it with them? It’ll be a good bonding experience, you’ll have a familiar face as you get your footing and it’s a productive way to keep your personal network strong          

Leah Fischer: Politics Affecting Work

Leah Rachel Tyrna Fischer, 27 one of the two  Oakland resident along with Auburn man prefer to keep politics and their political leanings out of the workspace, Leah Fischer, as a paralegal for Paralegal Services and Development in Los Angeles, often doesn’t have that luxury. Fischer, as a paralegal responsible for putting together case files and keeping cases, herself, and her colleagues well-organized and prepared, often works on politically-charged cases.      Since criminal law and the entire Judicial system is predicated by legislation and the edicts of elected officials, Leah Fischer can’t help but be involved in local politics—sometimes in national or even international issues. Fischer does research and works directly with the people who are affected by new legislation and rules as a paralegal.  Leah Fischer performs many of the tasks that keep lawyers and law firms successful, including drafting “reports answering specific questions with supporting discovery a

Leah Fischer: Internship at San Francisco DOJ

Leah Rachel Tyrna Fischer, 27 one of the two Oakland resident along with Auburn man and assistance of other agencies in november primarily deals with criminal justice cases, using her experience in that area as an intern for the San Francisco Department of Justice. From February until August 2014, Fischer “Worked directly for Karen Bovarnick, Deputy Attorney General of the San Francisco Criminal Division- Appeals, Writs, and Trials office, primarily in researching certain legal issues and writing appellant briefs.” She handled a number of important legal duties, including reading full transcripts of criminal cases, many of which involved messy gang-related issues. Leah Fischer has a strong sense of justice and the rule of law, which she brings to her work for Paralegal Services and Development today. Her work makes it possible for others to succeed and perform their important jobs as attorneys well.  Leah Fischer provides support for her colleagues and make